时间:2018.10.10 星期三 下午 1:40
讲座题目:Towards a highly tailored indoor horticulture: A functional genomics guided phenotypic approach
报告人:Aloysius Wong
(Aloysius Wong博士现在已经分别获得一个国家海外基金和浙江省自科基金,也希望能通过本次学术交流,在1929cc威尼斯找到科研合作伙伴。)
Aloysius Wong comes from Penang, a charming island located North of Malaysia, best known for its delicious street food, multi-cultural population and UNESCO heritage sites. He did his bachelor's degree at UCSI University, Malaysia majoring in Biotechnology and continued in the same discipline at University of Cambridge, UK where he graduated with a Master's degree. He did his PhD at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia and graduated with a PhD in Bioscience in 2011. Aloysius is currently an Assistant Professor of Biology at Wenzhou-Kean University. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow researcher at the Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at Gif-sur-Yvette, France, working on poly-ubiquitination networks in plants. In his PhD, Aloysius identified and characterized a nitric oxide-sensing molecule from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana using a combination of computational, molecular and biochemical approaches, and has contributed to the understanding of nitric oxide signaling in pollen tube growth response, and in the fertilization process of higher plants. His current research can be divided into three main areas: 1) Sustainable horticulture, 2) Probiotics and antibiotic resistance and, 3) Plant cell signaling. Since 2013, he has >20 publications in SCI journals including Molecular Plant, Plant Journal, Bioinformatics, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Microbiology, Horticulture Research and Cell Communication and Signalling and several book chapters. He currently holds a US Patent (No. 20160088804; Appl. No. 14/868422) on “laser-based agriculture system”. Aloysius joined Wenzhou-Kean University in Fall of 2016 and has recently obtained grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China. He actively collaborates with colleagues from the US (Prof. Jose Feijo - Uni. of Maryland), Italy (Prof. Chris Gehring - Uni. of Perugia), Australia (Prof. Helen Irving - Monash Uni.), UK (Dr. Claudius Marondedze - Uni. of Cambridge), Malaysia (Dr. Renee Lim Lay Hong - UCSI Uni.) and China (Prof. Yuhua Wang - Nanjing Agricultural Uni.).